GeoCrypt Logo


Encrypt & Decrypt the easy way

Geocrypt is an open source, free encryption tool that works entirely in your browser, and outputs a shareable HTML file that can be opened in most browsers.


Your files will be compressed and encrypted with WINZIP-AES, an industry-standard security algorithm. GeoCrypt is fully open source, with a pipeline that is as transparent as possible, ensuring your browser runs exactly what's in the repo. Additionally, this software runs entirely offline(we even removed CDN dependencies, so no external resources are loaded), we advise you save it as a PWA and use it with airplane mode enabled.


The emitted HTML file can be decrypted by anyone with a modern browser, even offline(once necessary libraries have loaded). Be sure to share the password through a secure channel.


We recommend installing GeoCrypt as a PWA for the added security of it working fully offline, and convenience of being able to access it outside a browser. You can typically do this by clicking the install button in or near the URL bar.

How can I support this?

With Ko-fi

supporting will ensure that

  • GeoCrypt stays online
  • GeoCrypt gets a new WASM port that allows larger files

If you'd like to see more software like this, try paracord

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